
Once, there was a girl who dreamed of creation. Entire worlds came to life in her mind, and worlds others had created also reached out to touch her heart. She learned many ways to bring forth the fire in her heart: writing, art, and other ways of crafting.

She dreamed of more as well, of music yet unsung, of places and peoples beyond her current experiences, of travel and wanderlust, of knowledge that might be shared once gained. For to create worlds one must experience our world and know the many things there are to discover.

Perhaps, dear friend, you would like to follow her on this journey, to discover the worlds she finds and see what she creates. And perhaps, just maybe, through her journey and what she shares you can discover something of value as well, whether knowledge to enrich you or an item to brighten your world.

So come, follow along and see what she has to offer now and what she finds to share later. Browse for a time, and return later to see what is added. A journey shared is always more fun than one undertaken alone.